Produkt zum Begriff Teams:
Brilliant Teams
No matter what kind of team you’re in or what role you play, Brilliant Teams gives you the core ingredients to make you and your team a truly brilliant one. You’ll find out exactly what it takes to excel as a team player and leader, as well as common team ‘traps’ to avoid. Brilliant outcomes Find out what it takes to be a brilliant team player and leader Learn how to get the best out of your environment Understand different teams and what makes them tick The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Global Teams
Working for a matrix international organisation, with its ensuing diverse global teams, based in a variety of geographic locations is a fact of life for most leaders and managers today. These teams may be permanent, or they may come together temporarily to deliver a specific project. The challenges of making decisions, setting goals, communicating, building trust and managing the team are far harder when you are separated by time, language, culture and priorities. Global Teams will enable leaders, teams and organisation to deal with the challenges they face:· How can you ensure that your global team delivers results?· How do I trade off our local goals and priorities versus the global priorities?· How do I find out what is really going on and how it will affect me?· Can I trust top management to support my agenda and me personally?· How can I lead people who I do not see and are not like me?Based on original research with some of the world’s leading companies, Global Teams is the definitive, practical guide on making the sharp end of globalisation work for you and your organisation.“In this book, Jo Owen provides not only a thorough understanding of what make a “global” organization effective, but also ideas and reflections on how to go about it, in a way that is neither simplistic nor dogmatic. Great read.” Bertrand Lavayssiere, Ayres and Co. Strategy Consultancy“A perk of my job is that I get paid to read and review books. Nothing thrills me more than to know that one of my favourite management authors, Mr Jo Owen, has another book published. I enjoy reading his perspectives on the various aspects of management as he provides insights that can be easily digested by anybody yet has the necessary depth to help you with the skills needed in management. His latest offering showcases research that he has extensively carried out and provides astute insights that will benefit any executive from any level of management, be it middle or senior management. Quickly bookmark this for your “to-read list” as it is a useful, insightful read.” Sadie Jane Nunis, Singapore Institute of Management, Publications Manager “Jo Owen has done it again – spotted a big gap in the literature and filled it elegantly and effectively with this splendidly readable, comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based treatment of a topic that is really challenging to our globalizing business world. Packed with great examples and quotes Owen leads the reader through the toughest and most interesting challenges in cross-cultural management: leadership, team dynamics, business context and systems, cultural intelligence and conflict resolution. This should be the first item for global managers to put in their hand luggage.” Nigel Nicholson, Professor, London Business School, author of “The ‘I’ of Leadership: Strategies for seeing being and doing” (Jossey-Bass, 2013)"Original and practical book on a vital topic which no one has looked at in depth before; simple and clear to read; lots of real world case examples; escapes the normal orthodoxy where globalisation means spreading western practice." Alberto Forchielli. Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners.
Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Supercharged Teams
Great teamwork is crucial for any high performing team, but being in a team is harder than ever before. Work is faster, leaner and more digital, and teamwork can be last on our list of priorities.Supercharged Teams will boost the way your team works together, whether you lead a team or belong to one.With 30 powerful tools for teamwork, supercharge your team to:Reset your team to work better togetherAdapt your team to new challenges, whether they are in the same office, working remotely or collaborating across different departments, organisations and locationsLearn from high performing teams across the world with case studies and examplesDevelop the skills and approaches that work effectively in today's working environmentSupercharged Teams gives you the power to supercharge your team, today
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Gausmann, Ulrich: Wirtschaft und Finanzen neu gedacht
Wirtschaft und Finanzen neu gedacht , Wir setzen dem Great Reset des Weltwirtschaftsforums ein We, ein Wir, entgegen. Die Reihe The Great WeSet widmet sich der Gegenöffentlichkeit, die sich in vielen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens formiert hat. Im zweiten Band stellt Ulrich Gausmann Alternativen für Wirtschafts- und Finanzsysteme vor. Gute Gründe, gegen den Kapitalismus zu sein, gibt es genug. Allein Waffenlieferungen und Kriegspolitik würden schon ausreichen. Doch das ist längst noch nicht alles: Die gesellschaftliche Erosion hat in den letzten drei Jahren in allen Lebensbereichen in einem atemberaubenden Tempo zugenommen. Die sozialen Grundlagen von Ökonomie, Politik und Gesellschaft geraten unter die Räder. Ein Ende ist vorerst nicht absehbar. Wo soll das alles nur enden? Die Antwort auf diese Frage geben viele unterschiedliche und dezentral organisierte Initiativen und Projekte, die zum Teil schon weit vor 2020, aber vor allem vermehrt in den letzten Jahren mit rasantem Tempo alternative Wirtschaftsformen und Geldsysteme etabliert haben. Die Spannbreite an Alternativen ist groß und vielgestaltig und hat eine erstaunliche Verbreitung gefunden. Der Autor stellt exemplarisch hauptsächlich Vorreiter und Initiativen aus Deutschland vor. Dabei kommen die Aktiven zum größten Teil selbst zu Wort. Die Darstellung reicht im Bereich der alternativen Wirtschaftsformen von der Sozialen Dreigliederung und Formen der Gemeinwohlökonomie, über Genossenschaften und Initiativen aus der Unternehmerschaft und einer neuen Gewerkschaftsbewegung bis zu Energiewendedörfern und Zukunftskommunen. Im Sektor Finanzen werden Vorschläge von Silvio Gesell, Tausch- und Umsonst-Ökonomien, Helfergemeinschaften, Komplementärwährungen aus Deutschland, Italien, den Niederlanden und Belgien, Vertrauensgemeinschaften und Überlegungen einer digitalen Planung der Ökonomie unter demokratischer Kontrolle vorgestellt. Das Buch schließt mit einer Einordnung dieser Initiativen unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Kampfes um die Meinungsführerschaft und beleuchtet das Mitläufertum ebenso wie die Perspektiven eines sozialen Wandels und einer "Revolution von unten". Diese kann, so der Autor, nach der Aufhebung des Belagerungszustandes zum Aufbau einer neuen Welt beginnen - wenn sie nicht schon längst begonnen hat. »Eine spannende, engagierte, kenntnisreiche und gut verständliche Lektüre.« ~ Dr. Eugen Drewermann »Ulrich Gausmann geht zu Menschen, die zeigen, wie die Revolution aussehen könnte, und sieht dort die neue Welt, weil er alles gelesen hat, was die Literatur an Utopien bieten kann. Anregend, wichtig, gut.« ~ Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 25.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie können multikulturelle Teams in Unternehmen effektiv zusammenarbeiten, um Innovation und kreatives Denken zu fördern?
Multikulturelle Teams können effektiv zusammenarbeiten, indem sie eine offene und respektvolle Kommunikation fördern, um unterschiedliche Perspektiven und Ideen zu integrieren. Es ist wichtig, kulturelle Unterschiede zu respektieren und zu feiern, um ein inklusives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, das Vielfalt als Stärke betrachtet. Unternehmen können Schulungen und Workshops anbieten, um interkulturelle Kompetenzen zu entwickeln und das Verständnis für verschiedene Arbeitsstile und Denkweisen zu fördern. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, klare Ziele und Erwartungen zu kommunizieren, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Teammitglieder auf dasselbe Ziel hinarbeiten und gemeinsam innovative Lösungen entwickeln können.
Welche Auswirkungen hat die Globalisierung auf die Wirtschaftswissenschaft und wie beeinflusst sie die verschiedenen Bereiche wie Handel, Finanzen und Arbeitsmarkt?
Die Globalisierung hat die Wirtschaftswissenschaft stark beeinflusst, indem sie zu einem verstärkten Fokus auf internationale Beziehungen und Handelsströme geführt hat. Im Bereich des Handels hat die Globalisierung zu einer verstärkten Integration der Märkte und einem Anstieg des internationalen Handels geführt. Im Finanzsektor hat die Globalisierung zu einer verstärkten Verflechtung der globalen Finanzmärkte und einem verstärkten Wettbewerb zwischen verschiedenen Finanzinstituten geführt. Auf dem Arbeitsmarkt hat die Globalisierung zu einer verstärkten Mobilität von Arbeitskräften und einem verstärkten Wettbewerb um qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte geführt.
Welche Auswirkungen hat die Globalisierung auf die Wirtschaft und den Arbeitsmarkt?
Die Globalisierung führt zu einer verstärkten internationalen Konkurrenz, was zu einem Druck auf die Preise und Löhne führen kann. Gleichzeitig eröffnet sie aber auch neue Absatzmärkte und Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen. Auf dem Arbeitsmarkt kann die Globalisierung zu einer Verlagerung von Arbeitsplätzen in Länder mit geringeren Lohnkosten führen, aber auch zu neuen Chancen in wachsenden Branchen wie dem Dienstleistungssektor.
Wie können kleine Unternehmen erfolgreich in den Import-Export-Handel einsteigen?
Kleine Unternehmen sollten zunächst eine Marktforschung durchführen, um potenzielle Zielmärkte zu identifizieren. Anschließend sollten sie Partnerschaften mit zuverlässigen Lieferanten und Distributoren aufbauen. Zudem ist es wichtig, sich über die rechtlichen und steuerlichen Anforderungen im Import-Export-Geschäft zu informieren und entsprechende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Teams:
Connecting Top Managers: Developing Executive Teams for Business Success
How do you go about improving leadership team performance, strengthening the connections between leaders, and strengthening the leadership team’s connections with the rest of the enterprise? This book tells you how. Leadership teams, working together, create the culture and set the tone for the entire organization. When leadership teams fail to connect with employees, their organizations fail. Expensive leadership meetings often accomplish nothing, and clashing leadership styles can disrupt the entire business. What do these issues have in common? Simply this: The way leaders work together is crucial, and enormous organization-wide performance improvements can be achieved when they work together more effectively. Readers will first learn how to define what leadership team excellence looks like, and clarify the organizational impact you want your leadership team to have. Next, they’ll learn how to systematically optimize the 5% of time your leaders spend working together–in person, electronically, and through subordinates. This book will help readers magnify their impact, whether they’re already at the top of the organization, or aspiring to a future leadership role.
Preis: 23.53 € | Versand*: 0 € -
When Teams Work
Discover the secrets to high performing teams from the success stories of sport, military and restaurants and what to do if your team isn't working.Teams are everywhere: At work we are part of many different teams: the department team, the sales team, the planning team and the project team. At play we join the football team, the netball team, the swimming team, the bridge team and the dance team. Socially we support teams, watch teams and are served by teams in restaurants, hotels, shops and at events. But how much do we really know about them, what makes a successful team and why do teams fail?Effective teamworking is a perennial issue there are so many difficulties and traps. We have all worked in teams and seen these problems at first hand and have suffered from them. This book will help you toidentify the most common issues and give you and your team the tools to improve them and achieve better teamwork and performance. get the best out of yourself and others and avoid the common pitfalls that prevent teams from being the best they can be.We will look at how sports and business teams are developed and work, as well as giving examples and learning lessons from specialist teams in the many different areas such as the military, restaurants, orchestra's, aerobatics and many more. These examples will be woven in throughout the book, and lessons drawn about what we can learn for our own teams. Developing high performance teams and effective teamwork is a perennial issue for team leaders and team members alike. Most of us work in teams yet few of us have the capacity to fully assimilate what it takes to resolve common issues such as conflict, low engagement, lack of purpose and accountability in teams. This book is for team players, team leaders and anyone who is setting up and supporting a team. It sets out all that you need to know to create a successful team and how to fix it if things start to go wrong.We think the combined experience of the authors and their direct experience of working with both sports and organisational teams is unique. The combination of an academic perspective with a high level practical experience of coaching and leading high performance teams brings clarity and understanding to the concepts , balanced with a pragmatic perspective on how to put these into practice The book draws together the combined experience of Nigel Melville as a High Performance sports coach and Chief Executive , and Mike Brent as an academic, author of several bestselling business books and specialist in team dynamics.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Global Teams
Working for a matrix international organisation, with its ensuing diverse global teams, based in a variety of geographic locations is a fact of life for most leaders and managers today. These teams may be permanent, or they may come together temporarily to deliver a specific project. The challenges of making decisions, setting goals, communicating, building trust and managing the team are far harder when you are separated by time, language, culture and priorities. Global Teams will enable leaders, teams and organisation to deal with the challenges they face:· How can you ensure that your global team delivers results?· How do I trade off our local goals and priorities versus the global priorities?· How do I find out what is really going on and how it will affect me?· Can I trust top management to support my agenda and me personally?· How can I lead people who I do not see and are not like me?Based on original research with some of the world’s leading companies, Global Teams is the definitive, practical guide on making the sharp end of globalisation work for you and your organisation.“In this book, Jo Owen provides not only a thorough understanding of what make a “global” organization effective, but also ideas and reflections on how to go about it, in a way that is neither simplistic nor dogmatic. Great read.” Bertrand Lavayssiere, Ayres and Co. Strategy Consultancy“A perk of my job is that I get paid to read and review books. Nothing thrills me more than to know that one of my favourite management authors, Mr Jo Owen, has another book published. I enjoy reading his perspectives on the various aspects of management as he provides insights that can be easily digested by anybody yet has the necessary depth to help you with the skills needed in management. His latest offering showcases research that he has extensively carried out and provides astute insights that will benefit any executive from any level of management, be it middle or senior management. Quickly bookmark this for your “to-read list” as it is a useful, insightful read.” Sadie Jane Nunis, Singapore Institute of Management, Publications Manager “Jo Owen has done it again – spotted a big gap in the literature and filled it elegantly and effectively with this splendidly readable, comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based treatment of a topic that is really challenging to our globalizing business world. Packed with great examples and quotes Owen leads the reader through the toughest and most interesting challenges in cross-cultural management: leadership, team dynamics, business context and systems, cultural intelligence and conflict resolution. This should be the first item for global managers to put in their hand luggage.” Nigel Nicholson, Professor, London Business School, author of “The ‘I’ of Leadership: Strategies for seeing being and doing” (Jossey-Bass, 2013)"Original and practical book on a vital topic which no one has looked at in depth before; simple and clear to read; lots of real world case examples; escapes the normal orthodoxy where globalisation means spreading western practice." Alberto Forchielli. Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners.
Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Global Teams
Working for a matrix international organisation, with its ensuing diverse global teams, based in a variety of geographic locations is a fact of life for most leaders and managers today. These teams may be permanent, or they may come together temporarily to deliver a specific project. The challenges of making decisions, setting goals, communicating, building trust and managing the team are far harder when you are separated by time, language, culture and priorities. Global Teams will enable leaders, teams and organisation to deal with the challenges they face:· How can you ensure that your global team delivers results?· How do I trade off our local goals and priorities versus the global priorities?· How do I find out what is really going on and how it will affect me?· Can I trust top management to support my agenda and me personally?· How can I lead people who I do not see and are not like me?Based on original research with some of the world’s leading companies, Global Teams is the definitive, practical guide on making the sharp end of globalisation work for you and your organisation.“In this book, Jo Owen provides not only a thorough understanding of what make a “global” organization effective, but also ideas and reflections on how to go about it, in a way that is neither simplistic nor dogmatic. Great read.” Bertrand Lavayssiere, Ayres and Co. Strategy Consultancy“A perk of my job is that I get paid to read and review books. Nothing thrills me more than to know that one of my favourite management authors, Mr Jo Owen, has another book published. I enjoy reading his perspectives on the various aspects of management as he provides insights that can be easily digested by anybody yet has the necessary depth to help you with the skills needed in management. His latest offering showcases research that he has extensively carried out and provides astute insights that will benefit any executive from any level of management, be it middle or senior management. Quickly bookmark this for your “to-read list” as it is a useful, insightful read.” Sadie Jane Nunis, Singapore Institute of Management, Publications Manager “Jo Owen has done it again – spotted a big gap in the literature and filled it elegantly and effectively with this splendidly readable, comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based treatment of a topic that is really challenging to our globalizing business world. Packed with great examples and quotes Owen leads the reader through the toughest and most interesting challenges in cross-cultural management: leadership, team dynamics, business context and systems, cultural intelligence and conflict resolution. This should be the first item for global managers to put in their hand luggage.” Nigel Nicholson, Professor, London Business School, author of “The ‘I’ of Leadership: Strategies for seeing being and doing” (Jossey-Bass, 2013)"Original and practical book on a vital topic which no one has looked at in depth before; simple and clear to read; lots of real world case examples; escapes the normal orthodoxy where globalisation means spreading western practice." Alberto Forchielli. Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners.
Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist Microsoft Teams 13? - Was ist Microsoft Teams 13?
Microsoft Teams 13 ist eine Kommunikations- und Kollaborationsplattform, die von Microsoft entwickelt wurde. Es ist Teil der Microsoft 365 Suite und ermöglicht es Benutzern, online zu chatten, Videokonferenzen abzuhalten, Dateien zu teilen und gemeinsam an Dokumenten zu arbeiten. Mit Microsoft Teams 13 können Teams effizient zusammenarbeiten, unabhhängig davon, wo sich die Mitglieder befinden. Es bietet auch Integrationen mit anderen Microsoft-Anwendungen wie Outlook, SharePoint und OneDrive.
Warum Teams nutzen?
Teams werden genutzt, um die Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Mitgliedern eines Projekts oder einer Organisation zu verbessern. Durch die Nutzung von Teams können Aufgaben effizienter verteilt und bearbeitet werden, was zu einer Steigerung der Produktivität führt. Zudem ermöglichen Teams den Austausch von Ideen und die gemeinsame Entwicklung von Lösungen für komplexe Probleme. Darüber hinaus fördern Teams den Zusammenhalt und die Motivation der Mitglieder, da sie sich gegenseitig unterstützen und gemeinsame Ziele verfolgen. Insgesamt tragen Teams dazu bei, die Leistungsfähigkeit und den Erfolg einer Gruppe oder Organisation zu steigern.
Wie beeinflusst die Investition in Forschung und Entwicklung die Innovation und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen?
Die Investition in Forschung und Entwicklung ermöglicht es Unternehmen, neue Ideen und Technologien zu entwickeln, die zu innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen führen. Diese Innovationen können dazu beitragen, dass Unternehmen sich von ihren Wettbewerbern abheben und langfristig erfolgreich am Markt bestehen. Durch kontinuierliche Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung können Unternehmen ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken und langfristig profitabel bleiben.
Wer ist noch im Wettbewerb bei The Voice of Germany?
Aktuell sind noch vier Kandidaten im Wettbewerb bei The Voice of Germany. Es handelt sich um die Finalisten, die in den Live-Shows gegeneinander antreten. Die genauen Namen der Kandidaten können je nach aktuellem Stand variieren. Die Zuschauer können durch ihre Stimmen entscheiden, wer letztendlich zum Gewinner gekürt wird.
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